The Return Of Classic Fashions for Women 50+?

Yee-ha! The fashion news for women 50+ is good! We all know that classic fashions never really go out of style…after all, they’re, well…classic. Yet popular culture continues to change, and over the last several years a number of styles have come on the scene Good fashion news for 50+ women!that just aren’t making it for some of us women who were teens in the 70’s. (For instance, I had enough of blouses that made me look pregnant when I actually was pregnant. Thank you, no.)

Baby boomer fashion maven I am not. But if I’m not mistaken, I’ve seen glimpses of some really nice fashions up for the Fall 2011 season. Understated, simple shifts, skirts with blazers, tailored suits and even maxiskirts.

I’m not about going into the Wayback Fashion Machine, but I do appreciate the nod to timeless components, from minimalist lines to the classic clothing that gracefully and playfully complements the extra touches…some fur trim, ruffles…polka dots and fun colors.

Along with that comes the attendant beauty lineup, bringing back things like simple pony tails (not that I have one, but some fifty-plus gals can rock those things). Less glaring make-up, more natural applications – when it comes to makeup for baby boomer women, less is more – this is good! I’m thinking about the women I have always admired for their unique sense of fashion – Amelia Earhart, Katherine Hepburne, Audrey Hepburn, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and now her daughter Caroline, who has her own sense of style, sort of Burberry meets LL Bean. Love it.

As delighted as I am at the new classic fashions 50+ women can enjoy, I’m feeling a bit of unease coming on. As everything that is old becomes new again, the spectre of those giant Klingon-like shoulder pads and front-porch bangs is looming before me. Please Lord, no…

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