Thoughts on Mother’s Day


I’m a pretty contemporary-thinking gal who likes to “live in the now’, as we used to say, but if there is anything I missIris Peele on Lake George when I think back, it’s those elementary school Mother’s Day gifts. The macaroni pins covered with glitter paint; the poems hand-written in crayon and given and received with such seriousness; the spindly little seedlings in sawed-off Styrofoam cups given with such sweet joy and aplomb, bursting with the expectation of my response . So, so sweet.

With another Mother’s Day gone by, I can see quite clearly it has changed now, as it should. I wish now more than ever that my own mother had lived to see her own grandchildren. Today the joy I have received is so great it’s nearly indescribable.

This Mother’s Day I am thankful for my children, who are all such wonderful adults. I’m thankful that my daughter is an extraordinary mother who has also been given the gift of treasuring the spindly marigolds and sweet hugs from her children on this day. I’m thankful that I am here to see them develop into such amazing people, responsible adults with unique interests and lives of their own. I’m thankful that my sisters are so completely loved, cherished and embraced by their children and grandchildren. I’m thankful that I have learned to appreciate each day as it comes, both good and bad, and to have been given the privilege of motherhood. It is these things that make coping with empty nest and being a long distance grandparent kind of do-able.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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