It’s easy to dismiss it when someone suggests you should enjoy aging. What…?How and when to make a midlife transition?


Well, the fact is that aging does have its benefits indeed. They may reveal themselves slowly, subtly at first, as you begin to realize you are reacting to situations differently and not taking the bait that life so predictably presents.

So…what’s the difference? Maybe you begin enjoying life’s successes in a more private, joyous way, like when you realize that you aren’t invincible, and it’s ok. Or when you catch your kids doing something really adult and, well, responsible. Or maybe you suddenly realize that your spouse is getting older, which means YOU are getting older, and it feels right.

Maybe now the glass is half full, instead of half empty.

Often you may see it in the people in your life outside of home…

  • Like when a younger friend is struggling with a professional or personal goal, and you want to tell them to relax, it isn’t important…but you really can’t.
  • Perhaps your boss whirls and twirls like Rumpelstiltskin over things at work that are really inconsequential.
  • Or maybe there are workplace bullies who spend their days plotting and planning how to rule the roost…and you just don’t buy it.
  • Maybe this is the path leading to you starting your own business, or striking out on a new career. Watch out, world!

Appreciation for the intangibles in life comes more frequently, and we realize it’s ok to slow down, while at the same time the energy level skyrockets. Suddenly life is full of possibilities as the day-to-day responsibilities recede…or even if they don’t. Maybe they increase! But recognizing that time is precious – it’s all we have – makes the days sweeter, the relationships more precious, and the sunshine warmer on your skin. Gratitude replaces the frenzied pace of our childbearing years, and our life experience has granted us the tools we need to help our kids, our parents, our friends.

I guess that’s really what they mean when they suggest you enjoy aging, and that’s a pretty good start, don’t you think?

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