Empty Nest & Your Changing Family…

For some women – and men – the changes in the family after 50 are many, beginning with empty nest. Empty nest may be a part of your life after fifty, the progression of a changing family dynamic. For some, these adjustments to your family life can be a nearly paralyzing experience but is, thankfully, usually short-lived.

One by one children grow up, go to college or work, marry and move away. The long-awaited freedom you thought would bring fun after fifty has arrived, and it can create a surprisingly deafening silence in your life, forcing you to switch gears and change focus. Perhaps you’re looking at the person next to you and considering what it may be like spending some time one-on-one with them again like you did so many years ago. You may even be experiencing the anxiety of women’s midlife crisis.

Caring for an Aging Parent During the Holidays

Holiday Visits With Aging Parents Are you planning to visit your aging parents during the holidays? The global pandemic has separated families and limited face-to-face interaction to zoom sessions for those who are computer savvy. As many individuals are now happily traveling across the country to see their parents and it could be a bit


Eat Smart After 50! Going Organic The Easy Way

Learning to eat smart after 50 - is it too late? Absolutely not! The benefits of fresh, organic produce can't be overstated, and yes - you can do it right at home! I invited Jess Elwert Peters of Jessecology - an experienced organic gardening expert - to share her best ideas for making it as

Simple Signs of the Season: Eggnog & Gratitude

Today was the first of the simple signs of the season that make this month my favorite. Thanksgiving is my absolute best day of the year. Our family is very nuclear… It is just myself, my husband our kids and grandkids. Together, a total of about nine people who very much enjoy being together.

2021-04-29T16:53:52-04:00Family, The Homestead|

Long Distance Grandparents: Creating Traditions With Grandchildren!

Bonding Through Traditions with Grandchildren If you're a long distance grandparent who spends time with their grandkids a couple of times a year, there is no ideal solution to maintaining a close relationship. When grandparents start creating traditions with grandchildren who live far away, they share a uniquely common bond. Of course staying in


Long Distance Grandparenting

Nulla sed augue vitae sem varius suscipit. Duis pretium, elit non accumsan feugiat, nulla enim pellentesque lorem, ut facilisis augue nibh nec dolor. Fusce facilisis nibh quis lectus scelerisque egestas. Maecenas nec tellus id orci tempor rutrum. Mauris cursus augue id urna ultricies vitae sagittis augue molestie. Duis massa mi, dapibus eu rhoncus nec, mattis ac ante. Pellentesque volutpat placerat neque, ac aliquam sapien facilisis vitae. Suspendisse quis sem egestas
2020-12-08T13:38:17-05:00Family, Life After 50|
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