Meet Karen Giblin: Q & A On Insomnia During Menopause

Insomnia During Menopause: Q & A With Karen Giblin One of the most frustrating and symptoms of menopause is insomnia...whether you suffer from hot flashes, awaken to go to the know the drill. Ugh! Meet Karen Giblin - she is the founder of and helped to sponsor a survey of 900 menopausal women that


Gift Giving at the Office

Gift giving at the office can be a pain. Not only does it cut into your holiday planning for your family, but it can cross all kinds of boundaries you're just not wanting to deal with. Not to mention, the holiday budget this year may be significantly slimmer than in times past. The following

Picking Your Grandma Name

What's In A Grandma Name? Picking your grandma name is a big decision! So...just to prove how crazy I got as I neared 50. When my first grandchild came along, I was so excited and amazed, so happy for my beautiful daughter and her husband. A family. Then a second gorgeous girl arrived. I was

2021-04-15T23:00:01-04:00Life After 50|

Meet Chilly Jilly: Entrepreneurial Success After 50!

Meet Chilly Jilly: Jill Boehler Traded Empty Nest for Entrepreneurial Success After 50! Jill Boehler of Chilly Jilly went from to empty nest to a midlife career change and entrepreneurial adventure! Turning fifty provided this woman with an incredible freedom, inspiration, and success as a "meno-preneur"! See how Jill's midlife business adventure turned out... I


Long Hair on Older Women – What’s to Debate?

Older Women & Long Hair: Not Just For 20-Something's Anymore! Are you a woman in your 50s or 60s and thinking about growing out your hair? Every single time I hear this debate going on regarding the topic of long hair on older women, I think back on women I have known in my life

Long Distance Grandparenting

Nulla sed augue vitae sem varius suscipit. Duis pretium, elit non accumsan feugiat, nulla enim pellentesque lorem, ut facilisis augue nibh nec dolor. Fusce facilisis nibh quis lectus scelerisque egestas. Maecenas nec tellus id orci tempor rutrum. Mauris cursus augue id urna ultricies vitae sagittis augue molestie. Duis massa mi, dapibus eu rhoncus nec, mattis ac ante. Pellentesque volutpat placerat neque, ac aliquam sapien facilisis vitae. Suspendisse quis sem egestas
2020-12-08T13:38:17-05:00Family, Life After 50|

What Does “50 Is The New 40” Mean, Anyway?

What Is 50 Is The New 40? It's surprising how much emotion this phrase, '50 is the new 40', sometimes creates. Has it become a cliche? Perhaps. Is is inaccurate? Well, yes and no. When I met with Meredith Vieira and a few other 50-something gals on the Today Show recently, the theme was, "50 -

2021-05-05T21:40:32-04:00Life After 50|

NBC Today Show April 11, 2010

This post may contain affiliate links and I may earn a small commission when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you! Turning 50: I was asked to join the Today Show to participate in a round table discussion with Meredith

2020-11-13T21:20:02-05:00Life After 50|
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